I finished knitting on January 5th, and only because I had a little headache at the end. The pattern calls for you to knit 16 sets of the 20-row repeat, and then an additional 9 rows of the pattern before doing 11 rows of garter and the bind-off. This was weird to me, because of full set of one of the rows of blocks was actually 10 rows, and the cast-on edge included the cast-on, and then 12 rows of garter. I wanted them to be even (ha), so I knit the 10 rows of the pattern repeat, and started on my garter rows--and realized after my 12 garter rows that I would not have enough yarn for the bind-off. Grr.
So I made the hard decision to insert a lifeline and pull back to row 10 of the garter. This worked pretty well, and its not super noticeable, thank heavens. I think my 2-year old nephew will be pretty satisfied.
BUT I HAVE MORE NEWS. I finished another project!
Pierre the Penguin, from the Woobles! I asked for a kit as a Christmas present since they're pretty pricey, and was delighted to receive one. The videos are SUPER helpful, and he even manages to look cute. Is he perfect? Heck no--I sewed his belly on off-center and under-stuffed him, but dang if I don't love him anyway.
I have now fallen down a rabbit hole of amigurumi and other crochet projects and stitches, which is throwing a little hiccup into my decision about what to make next...
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